If Not Now….When?

In every crisis, there are opportunities for improvement and joy in both your personal and professional life. For me professionally, it has me returning to my roots as a writer, as I am back writing blogs on best fundraising and board management practices. For me personally, it took only 16 years of marriage and a… Read more »

Work Smarter, Not Harder


Work Smarter, Not Harder I think we can all agree that we work hard. But do we always work smart? An annual fundraising plan (AFP) can help fundraisers do just that: Work smarter. Creating an AFP is easy. It’s a great way to manage and motivate your staff, volunteers, board members and supervisor. An AFP… Read more »

What does the term “mission fundraising” mean to you?

I define mission fundraising as sharing the purpose or reason of existence for your organization with donors for the purpose of raising much-needed philanthropic support, so the organization may advance its mission or cause. It sounds simple. But in reality, how simple is it? Understanding and communicating your mission is one of the most vital… Read more »

Lose the Lingo

baseball field

I am a big baseball fan and have been for as long as I can remember. But there is one part of baseball that annoys me to no end: Baseball lingo. There are Banjo Hitter (a player who lacks power), Bazooka (a strong throwing arm), Pickle (a rundown), and RISP (runners in scoring position), just… Read more »